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Leave a gift in your will

Leave a lasting legacy that will help to inspire future generations of innovators.  

By remembering the National Science and Media Museum in your Will, you can help us celebrate the image and sound technologies that have transformed our past, inspire the present and will shape the future, ensuring your legacy lives on for years to come.  

Your support allows us to safeguard our collection, deliver exciting outreach activities, and develop dynamic new exhibitions for our many visitors to enjoy. Legacies of any size are a wonderful way of ensuring that we can continue our mission to ignite curiosity and inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers and thinkers.  

We understand that the decision to leave a gift in your Will is very personal and that you may choose not to inform us of your intention. However, if you do let us know, that means we can thank you for your generosity and show you how your gift will make a difference. 

Giving in memory

Making a donation in memory of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate what they loved and valued. A gift to the National Science and Media Museum helps preserve their passions, allowing their legacy to inspire future generations.

We are pleased to partner with MuchLoved, an online platform which allows you to create a personalised and free online tribute page in memory of a loved one. Through MuchLoved, you can share cherished memories, photos, and videos all in one dedicated space, while raising funds for a charity of their choice. The National Science and Media Museum is registered on MuchLoved and we can support you if you have any questions about setting up a tribute page. 

How you can leave a gift to us in your will

Leaving a gift to the National Science and Media Museum in your Will is simple to arrange. Here are the three most commonly used options you may wish to consider:

Types of gift

If you would like to leave a gift to the National Science and Media Museum, the following wording can be adapted by your solicitor:


We always advise that you seek independent professional advice when writing your Will, to ensure that your estate will be distributed in accordance with your wishes.

Many of our supporters choose to leave unrestricted gifts to the museum, allowing us direct funds to where they are most needed. However, if you would like your legacy to support a particular area of our work, please contact us to discuss your plans and explore whether we can accommodate your wishes.

Our charitable status

The National Science and Media Museum (as part of the Science Museum Group) is an exempt charity under Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011 and is recognised as charitable by HM Revenue and Customs. 

Get in touch

If you are considering leaving a gift to us in your Will or have already included a gift to the National Science and Media Museum, we would be delighted to hear from you. All enquiries are obligation-free and will be treated in the strictest confidence. This helps us to plan better for the future and gives us the opportunity to say thank you.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch in any of the ways below:

Eve Alderson, Individual Giving Manager  
Telephone: +44 (0)1904 929512