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David Hockney: Pieced Together gallery map

Map of David Hockney: Pieced Together exhibition

Download a copy of the gallery map here.

  • Gallery 2 on Level 2 and is accessible via lift or the central stairs.
  • There is level access throughout the gallery.
  • Seating is available in all three sections of the exhibition.
  • The nearest accessible toilet is in the foyer on Level 0.

Gallery layout

  • Each section leads on from the previous in a clockwise loop, and the entrance doors are also the exit doors. There are no dividing doors and walkways are all 1.5 meters wide or more. The exhibition space is approximately 16 metres wide and 25 metres in length.
  • The exhibition entrance is to the left of the lift exit, or straight ahead along the Level 2 landing. The first section consists of a large text introduction on the left hand wall, a queueing area and a ticket desk.
  • The second section is located after the ticket desk, on the left. There is a text panel introduction to the right of this entrance.
  • The second section is a square room containing a digital video artwork on each wall. The videos have no sound. There is mid-level lighting and bench seating in the middle of the space. The exit to this section is to the right of the entrance, in the corner.
  • Entering the third section, there is a projected showreel of interview clips on the wall directly ahead. This has spoken dialogue played over speakers. To the left are two benches in front of two television screens. These feature the same clips as the projection with selection buttons and headphones. The text panel for this section is on the wall to the right of the projection.
  • The fourth and final section stretches along the length of the gallery, back toward the entrance. There is an introduction panel straight ahead of the entrance on top of a large photographic wallpaper. To the left of that is the emergency exit and to the right is a large framed photographic collage and a smaller frame containing associated objects. On the wall opposite the first collage is another large framed collage. There is bench seating in the middle.
  • Returning to the first section, there is a final large photographic wallpaper on the left, and the exit is in the top right corner of the space.
  • Each framed object and photographic wallpaper is accompanied by a label and there are large quotes by David Hockney on some walls.